10Questions is a partnership with the Personal Democracy Forum / techPresident that grew out of an earlier project of mine called communityCOUNTS.

A video produced by the people over at Rocketboom introducing the first iteration of 10Questions.
To date, it has had two iterations: one during the presidential primaries for the 2008 presidential race, and the second during the 2010 midterm elections. 10Perguntas ("10 Questions" in Portuguese) was launched as a sister site to 10questions during the 2010 presidential elections in Brazil, and 10Preguntas ("10 Questions" in Spanish) was launched during the 2011 gubernatorial elections in Mexico. I was the chief coder an all four projects, first on my own and later under Anaces contracts. The goal of 10Questions and its sister projects is simple, to help ordinary citizens ask and prioritize questions for political candidates. The video to the left gives you a pretty good idea of the project's spirit. It was produced for the first iteration by the people over at Rocketboom. In fact, a cornerstone of 10Questions has been the broad coalition of supporters put together by PDF, spanning the entirety of the political spectrum as well as new and old media. See the list from 2008 and 2010.

From the original about page:

This election cycle we've seen many attempts to integrate technology and politics. Over the summer, YouTube and CNN hosted a Democratic presidential debate where ordinary people submitted video questions to the candidates, the final selection of which fell to CNN. Many were critical of CNN/YouTube's decision to exclude user feedback in selecting questions. In response, a group of YouTube users rallied around a mashup called www.CommunityCounts.us, which allowed users to vote for questions to be asked.
The site worked. Thousands of people watched and rated the nearly 3,000 videos that were submitted for the first YouTube debate. As a result, Community Counts caught the eye of national news media, including the New York Times and techPresident. Several of the candidates answered the site's top questions after the CNN/YouTube debate was over.
Following the debate, techPresident decided to join forces with Community Counts' creator, David Colarusso, to launch a new kind of forum for the internet age, something that would take greater advantage of what the internet has to offer. Building on Community Counts' backbone and its success, we are happy to offer 10Questions to you and the world.

Signed "Andrew Rasiej, Micah L. Sifry, and David Colarusso, Co-Creators, 10Questions.com."

A selection of media coverage surrounding 10Questions can be found here.

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